Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Space Race

I really, really love living in DC!! It is the coolest city ever and this morning I had one of those "my life is SO AWESOME" moments that I don't think I'll ever forget.

As you may have seen on the news, the Space Shuttle Discovery was retired today to the Smithsonian museum. Officials decided to send it on one final "flight" over the city so America could say goodbye. Our office was so excited- we knew the fly over was happening at 10 AM, so we went about our morning counting down the minutes.

But one thing lead to another, and suddenly I was on the phone with alumnae and taking notes on calls and immersed in work when I heard the roar of a jet engine above our building. I looked at my computer clock- 10:03! The roar faded and I ran to the window. NO! I MISSED IT! I MISSED IT!!! I could hear the roar fading away but the spaceship was nowhere to be seen.

I was so upset. I gchatted my friend Shana and told her I was going to lie to people and say I saw it anyways. I turned on CNN.com where I knew there was a live feed. It loaded up and I saw the spaceship zooming along, perched on top of a 747 (How do they stick it there!? Why isn't it falling off!? How is that thing flying!?!?) and realized it was circling the Washington monument.

I can see the Washington monument from my office window. Was this a second chance?! I ran back- and sure enough, there it was!

It made a wide circle around the monument and then flew back towards the college. It was so cool! Everybody in the office had their windows thrown wide open and were hanging out as far as they could, taking cell phone pictures and literally jumping up and down with excitement. The huge jet flew low so people could get a good look, and a small jet followed alongside, taking the video feed that I was watching on CNN.

By the time I got my wits about me and decided to take a cell phone picture (To prove to Shana that I wasn't lying.) It was far away. Here's my proof that I saw it. See that tiny dot flying away in the distance? That's it. I swear!!!!

And here's a really really super awesome couple of pictures from other people's cell phones that I stole from the internet:

Yay America! Yay space! Yay DC!

Peace and Love.

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