Monday, April 6, 2009

AE Pi Spring Formal


I love it when life comes full circle. Spring of my Sophomore year, my wonderful friend Justin Liang needed a date to his spring fraternity formal. I was the lucky nominee, and after much ado, had a dress picked out and camera batteries charged, ready for a night of craziness in Toronto. As it turned out, Justin had a terrible flu that week, and spent only 15 minutes at the actual dance. The poor kid had such a fever he couldn't see straight, and went to bed before the music even started, leaving me stag at a dance in Canada where I knew no one. Lucky for me, the AE Pi brothers were friendly and sympathetic, and all made sure I had a good time. One of the nicest guys there was a kid named Brian Rodin. I met him that night at dinner, I knew him only as the wine connoseur, and I took a few great pictures with him. Little did I know that he'd be one of my best college friends!

The next year, Brian went to Spain with me and was fully responsible for making sure my 21st birthday was a blast. We spent countless afternoons together visiting museums, sipping sangria, and discussing deep philisophical topics from relationships to religion. To our surprise and delight, we realized that we had signed a lease in the same apartment building for the following year, and now would be neighbors! 

The frienship continued through this year, and our doors were always open to each other for dinner exchanges, episodes of Entourage, or just a good old-fashioned venting session. It's been a crazy and stressful year in many ways for both of us. Brian came out of the closet to his close friends in the fall, and I was happy to be a supporting friend through the process. Likewise, when I was terribly sick with mono over Christmas break, I heard from him almost every day, wondering how I was doing. It's not every day you find a friend like that. 

Fast forward to the A E Pi spring Formal this year. Brian needed a date, and I was the first he asked! I couldn't be more excited. I met my great friend in Canada two years ago at this dance, and now I would be his date. Again, I got the dress picked out and the camera batteries charged, only to be faced with another full circle: Brian knocked on my door, with a terribly sad look on his face. "I have mono," he sighed. Another sick date. I wondered if I had given it to him. I didn't even think that we would make it to Canada. I assured him that I'd rather him get better than go to another AE Pi formal stag again! He assured me that he was going to make the best of it and we were going to have a great time. 

Sure enough, we made it to Niagara Falls and enjoyed a delicious Italian dinner. Brian of course took it easy and actually stayed awake the whole night! We looked wonderful and were so happy to be there with all our friends. Even though we didn't tear up the dance floor, the night zoomed by with lots of pictures, great conversation and friendly faces. Enjoy the link to the photo album from the night below!

Peace and Love! 

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