Thursday, May 21, 2009

Plodding along

My mom predicted that it would be one week before I was bored of being home. Well, I'm not quite there yet- thanks in part to a few silly events that marked the last week.

First and foremost, since it's on my mind- my sister and I finally went and saw Star Trek. We were waiting for each other to get home from school to see it and went on a sister date this afternoon. I have a few comments: the movie was fun and campy, but you can only really appreciate it if you're a true "Trekkie." Kate and I had gigantic grins painted across our face for the good first hour of the flick. "Oh gosh, it's Kirk's Dad! It's gonna be Dr. McCoy, watch!" We were just plain giddy, brought back with warp speed to our nerdy childhood. Secondly (This is directed at you, fellow peers of Nessacus Regional Middle School) Spock is still the hot one in the film, and I've turned out socially normal. So there.

Mom, Kate and I went on a shopping spree to the outlets yesterday. If you are reading this, and appreciate the great institution known as "Banana Republic," get in your car and find your nearest outlet NOW. The entire store was 40% off, including clearance. It was teacher-clothes heaven. I did have a hard time discerning between "want" and "need." In the end, it turned out that I needed everything that fit me ;-)

Otherwise, beyond the beautiful weather, the pilates videos, the runs, and the constant studying- life has been pretty quiet. No, I'm not bored yet. But give me a few more days. I'll get there!

Peace and Love- and enjoy the graduation pictures below!

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