Thursday, June 24, 2010


An odd thing happens when you turn 23, move away, and start working in the real world.

You think you'd be ready for it after all your hot shot years at college, but such is not the case.

I don't know why this trip home in particular was so special. Maybe it's because I haven't seen my house since Christmas. Maybe it's because it's been such a chaotic year. Maybe it's because this trip was just packed with so many wonderful things. In any event, I can't remember being so relaxed or enjoying myself so much in a long, long time.

I got home very early Friday morning. Mom and I went out for breakfast at Cracker Barrel (I dare you to judge) and caught up on all sorts of gossip. We got back to Pittsfield, cleaned up, then headed to the local TV station to film Dad's show. This month's topic was lung disease. Each month he does a different topic with a different guest doctor. I'm proud of his excellent PR skills!

From the studio, we went to Berkshire County's Relay For Life, where Dad was the night's keynote speaker. Relay continues to inspire me in a way no other non-profit work does. It is simply so powerful. I choked on my own tears all night, and Dad gave a beautiful speech. Especially amazing was the applause for the Berkshire Health Systems Hematology/Oncology unit who took such good care of him.

Saturday, I got to see my sister and go to a Red Sox/Dodgers game that deserves its own blog entry. When I get the pictures from her, I'll tell the tale. Spoiler alert: The title of the next entry will be "The day I sat in the owner's box at Fenway!"

Sunday was Father's Day. Dad recently splurged on silver Mazda MX-5 and we went for a Sunday drive through the countryside with the top down. The Berkshires are as beautiful as ever and we got lost on purpose. Have you ever done that? It's wonderful. You never really can get lost, but you can discover roads you'd never think to drive! Some of the viewpoints we discovered were extraordinary. We ended the drive fittingly with ice cream sundaes, and the work week began.

I spent a lot of time with mom doing girly things: shopping, getting our nails done, and most thrillingly: making polish pierogies from scratch! You've never seen me cuss so much over a counter top. Those things are difficult! Smashing potato filling into thin gooey dough, pinching it all together without any potato escaping, boiling it before it dries out. Whew! It takes a real woman to handle these things! We made potato and sauerkraut stuffed ones, and they came out delicious...maybe F-bombs are the secret ingredient!

Dad and I wrapped up our time together going trout fishing in our canoe on the Housatonic river. And- we decided to let Barley test his sea legs. Let's just say this: A song was invented about the D-O-G that wanted O-U-T of the B-O-A-T ! He settled down eventually but there were a few canoe tips that were a little too close for comfort. It was a blast.

This entry could go on and on about lobster dinners, seeing neighbors and friends, home brewed beer, fireflies in the woods and all other delights of home, but I'll stop here.
Pics soon.
Peace and Love!

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