Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fare thee well, Blackberry

Friday night I did a stupid thing. I got pickpocketed in the most classic and preventable situation ever.

It was the day of the long awaited Dave Matthews Band concert at Nationals Park. One of my best friends in TFA lives in a high rise right next to the stadium. He invited all of us over for a pre-concert bbq on his roof. Beer and burgers flowed freely, and my friends and I spent most of the afternoon in the pool tossing a nerf football and working on our tans. Multiple points in the afternoon I announced that this was the best day of my life. Perhaps melodramatic (is anyone surprised?) but it was a truly carefree, wonderful day, and I felt lucky to be in the sun in a beautiful city surrounded by people I love. Before we knew it, it was 7 pm and time to cross the street to the concert. I changed and grabbed my phone, shoving it into the outside pocket of my purse. I had to meet a random person who bought an extra pair of tickets, and we were texting as I left the house to coordinate where to meet to make the trade.

Getting to the stadium was a cow herd. We've all been in that human sea, every time we enter a concert or sporting event. I didn't think much of it and was more concerned about finding this kid so I could get into the show. I got my tickets from will call and reached into my purse to text him and let him know I had tickets in hand, but alas! No phone.

You've got to be f------ kidding me!" I yelled. I'm not proud of my language, but I knew in that instant the phone was gone. Could it be back at the apartment? Did someone else take it by accident? Eh... maybe. But the sinking feeling I had in my stomach told me that I was sure it was in that side pocket. The scene was too easy for a crook- a huge crowd of people, hot and sweaty, pushing their way into the concert, everyone a few beers deep. Easy prey, child's play even! In any event, I knew I had to find a way to meet the person whose tickets I had, lest I be called a crook. I raced back to the apartment of my friend and borrowed a computer. Thankfully, emails go to phones these days and I was able to email him a meeting location and hand off the tickets.

I watched the concert rather glumly. Dave is a never-fail, but our seats were in no man's land, it was 100 degrees out even after the sun set, and all I could think about was my phone. I called mom to turn it off right away. Even though I knew it would make calling it to search for it impossible, better that than have all kinds of charges come up. You can do a lot of damage in 24 hours.

Life worked out well for me in the end- I was due for an upgrade and went the next morning. I got an iPhone, and so far I'm not sure how I feel about it. There's no doubt it's awesome. It's literally a computer, in your hands. But it's a tricky adjustment- the touch screen is hard for me to type on and I feel like I'm dropping calls left and right. Plus, I do miss my bbm. But I'm optimistic that I'll love it. It just feels like I did wrong by a nerdy, reliable boyfriend of two years. I ditched him at a concert and started dating DJ Pauly D the next day.

Peace and Love!

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