Sunday, January 10, 2010

PG Hoops

So, this week Meredith and I finally made it to a Junior Varsity and Varsity basketball game to watch our boys play a big rival in the county. All I can say is moments like this remind me why I chose to be a teacher! What a GREAT night!

We showed up at about 6:30 to catch what we thought would be the end of a JV game. Our boys were down by double digits and the opposing team was dominating.

(side note. The JV team at Gwynn Park could DEMOLISH any varsity team I ever watched play in Berkshire County growing up, and we saw some good basketball.)

Needless to say, this JV game has to be one of the best basketball games I've watched on any level, ever. Our boys fought back with a vengeance and sent the game into double overtime. The momentum in the gym from both fans and players was insane. The varsity giants stood on the sidelines, watching younger, skinnier versions of themselves pour out their souls on the court. At first, I think the varsity guys were annoyed that they weren't on the court yet. But it took just a few minutes of watching this fight to get them completely amped for their teammates.

Like any good sports movie, we lost to the opponents at the buzzer of the second overtime. But the varsity boys ran with the momentum and got vengeance during the main event. We had to leave early, but they were up by 20 points or more and held on to a strong lead for most of the game.

The best thing about the experience, however, was not watching the actual game. The experience was 10 times more enjoyable due to the fact that my basketball players are extraordinary young men. Watching them tuck Bibles into their gym bags before they hit the court, seeing their sportsmanship and teamwork as they played, and knowing that they're always there for extra help and turn in all their work in my class is a testament to their coach and their families. They are what young people should be as athletes and students. Many of them have seen tragedy, but many of them are striving for a bright future.

I can't wait to go again next week!

Peace and Love.

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