Tuesday, March 30, 2010

4 Cups

Yesterday, I did three crazy things.
First, I ate horseradish.
Second, I ate gefilte fish.
Third, I put the horseradish ON the gefilte fish.

And the craziest thing about it was, I liked all three things!

Yes, as part of my ongoing quest to complete my JBA (Jewish By Association) degree, I participated in my first all-out Seder last night here on Spring Break in Los Angeles. Meredith has some life-long friends living and working out here, and they invited us over to share in the special meal. If you have never participated in the event, it is the ceremonial retelling of the Jewish exodus from Egypt. The word "Seder" means "order," and the whole meal is extremely structured with prayers, actions, songs, and special food. In the tradition of the Jews that fled from Egypt, no leavened bread of any type is allowed. That doesn't stop it from being an all-out feast. We dined on apricot chicken, beef brisket, twice-baked potatoes, matzoh ball soup, salad, green beans, vegetable roast, fish, matzoh, and more! Then came the rounds of dessert: apple cakes and orange-chocolate cakes, gummie candies, chocolates and coconut macaroons. And since the entire meal is structured around the mandatory consumption of 4 cups of wine, there was plenty of that pouring the whole night too.

Passover was an evening to give thanks and praise for all of our blessings. Sitting with good friends, relaxing in beautiful beach weather, enjoying delicious food, I had much to be thankful for.

More updates on Spring Break later!
Peace and Love.

Monday, March 22, 2010


A news ticker life update:

* It's 70 degrees out
* The cherry blossoms ARE blooming, despite the crazy winter
* It's still light out at 7:30! Oh, simple joys
* My hair is a short, choppy bob
* Old Navy dress sale + Teach For America 30% off coupon = awesome
* 4 more days till LA
* Tori in a tanning bed = Tori BURNED
* New obsession: Garrison Keillor at 6:35 am
* Second new obsession: Car Talk (Mom and Dad, apologies for all the childhood Saturday morning complaints)
* Median test grade for Spanish II - 48% - I'm giving up soon
* Great meeting with college-bound Spanish II student today- Not giving up yet
* Made borscht from scratch. Beets have a bad rap
* GPHS Talent Show proves that all high school talent shows are the same. Covering rap is just as awkward as covering Blink 182.

I think... that's it for now!
Peace and Love.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Last week, the mouse was back. This time, though, I had a trap, so the little guy couldn't make too many runs through the terrified minions or wreak too much havoc. But his presence alone in the classroom made me wary. I had moved the chocolates off the floor... and put them high on the shelf in a cabinet in my classroom. I thought I solved the problem, but decided to check anyways.

Sure enough, as soon as I got my kids settled and doing their classwork, I opened my cabinet. There were my Hershey's, thoroughly gnawed, little shreds of silver foil spread among the rather disturbing amount of mouse poo. "EW!" a girl nearby shreiked. "They left their DOODIES!" The class erupted again. "That's NASTY! Triflin!" and so on. Thankfully, the bell rang and 1st period left.

When second period came in, the rumor about the mouse poop had already spread like wildfire. I decided to turn this into a "teachable moment" (That's teacher lingo for whenever things are not going the way you want and you just give in and let the conversation derail.) Our class had just finished learning past tense verbs, so I decided to tell them all about the mouse and eating my hidden chocolate in the past tense. The kids were really invested in the story, and I was proud, because they were actually following it! For the grand finale, I whip open the cabinet and say "los ratones comieron los chocolates en mi armario!" (The mice even ate the chocolate in my cabinet!) And the whole class gets grossed out and laughs and everyone has a great time.

Now, let me preface 3rd period by saying these guys are a handful. This is the suspension/expulsion gang, and the class that has stolen from me and gives me the most disciplinary trouble. Well, they came in and I decided to tell the story again. At first, they were invested... but as the story went on, I saw a few of them gulp uncomfortably and slide down in their seats. One kid started hyperventilating and other kids were trying hard to control their laughter... I paused my story, concerned. "What's going on here?" I asked. "What's so funny? Something I need to know?" I gave them a stern face and most responded quickly "no, no Ms. Hornstein... go on." So I finished my story with a melodramatic flourish and whipped open the cabinet to reveal the mess.

The mayhem that ensued was beyond anything I have ever seen. Kids suddenly dropped to the floor, one was definitely crying, and everyone was screaming. Above the din rose one kid's voice, "I told y'all! I told y'all you shouldn't a taken it!"

"What happened!?" I demanded.

"Shaq's sick today, and now we know why! He ATE THE POO!" Screamed a kid.
"Did you eat any? Did you?" They all asked each other. Yes... my kids had been stealing my chocolate during lecture and passing it around for the last few days and for sure had eaten from a poopie stash. The ones who knew they did were devastated... "I'm going to think about this all night!" One boy moaned.

I never felt more smug all year. "Well," I said. "This is what some people call Karma. You all stole my candy that I bring in as prizes, and well... you got yours. Enjoy!"

And that is why I Teach For America!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just another day in the 6th grade

Kaitlin: When I was giving a quiz to my second block today, pancake boy just kept yelling "Take off your panties! Take off your panties!" He seriously would not stop. He just kept yelling it and yelling it and yelling it
i actually found it funny cause it was so absurd
me: oh my god
yeah at that point you just have to laugh!
but wait i thought pancake was expelled for a million years
he's back!
Kaitlin: haha yup...
me: jeeezus
Kaitlin: he really learned how to act better from that
me: so like
what did you do to him
Kaitlin: "Randall...thats inappropriate. Your classmates are trying to focus."
me: HA
Kaitlin: reeeeeally effective
was it to you!? or to some girl in the class? or like... to the air?
Kaitlin: To the air mostly...
kid has ISSUES
me: congrats
this chat is totally going on my blog

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March comes in like a lion...

This week:

Monday: School, Gradschool
Tuesday: School, Tutoring
Wednesday: School, Faculty Meeting
Thursday: School, Close grades. Parent Teacher Conferences directly follow.
Friday: School, Collapse.
Saturday: Professional Development. Studying.
Sunday: Tutoring. Work.

Today there was a massive food fight. Dozens of kids are suspended.

I also had a guest speaker come talk to my kids. She was a Navy Officer working in linguistics and knew 4 languages. I brought her to talk about education, staying in school, careers and life in the military, and the financial benefits of studying languages. To my great horror, the conversation took a turn for the worse (?) when my students starting asking if you could go into the military if you had a record... if you smoked weed... if you had done a stint in juvy... if you had been arrested, but it was in another state...

On one hand, they got the answer they needed to hear. NO. No. No...
But I couldn't help but sit at my desk with my hand over my mouth as my students aired their dirty laundry and then shrugged with a "Whelp, that counts me out."

Just hope the other ones...the bright ones... were listening!

In exhaustion,