Tuesday, March 30, 2010

4 Cups

Yesterday, I did three crazy things.
First, I ate horseradish.
Second, I ate gefilte fish.
Third, I put the horseradish ON the gefilte fish.

And the craziest thing about it was, I liked all three things!

Yes, as part of my ongoing quest to complete my JBA (Jewish By Association) degree, I participated in my first all-out Seder last night here on Spring Break in Los Angeles. Meredith has some life-long friends living and working out here, and they invited us over to share in the special meal. If you have never participated in the event, it is the ceremonial retelling of the Jewish exodus from Egypt. The word "Seder" means "order," and the whole meal is extremely structured with prayers, actions, songs, and special food. In the tradition of the Jews that fled from Egypt, no leavened bread of any type is allowed. That doesn't stop it from being an all-out feast. We dined on apricot chicken, beef brisket, twice-baked potatoes, matzoh ball soup, salad, green beans, vegetable roast, fish, matzoh, and more! Then came the rounds of dessert: apple cakes and orange-chocolate cakes, gummie candies, chocolates and coconut macaroons. And since the entire meal is structured around the mandatory consumption of 4 cups of wine, there was plenty of that pouring the whole night too.

Passover was an evening to give thanks and praise for all of our blessings. Sitting with good friends, relaxing in beautiful beach weather, enjoying delicious food, I had much to be thankful for.

More updates on Spring Break later!
Peace and Love.

1 comment:

  1. i heart Seder. I might be minoring in JBA accidentally.
