Monday, March 28, 2011

The Big Apple

Greetings from a Bolt Bus! I just enjoyed a lovely weekend in New York City with my two college friends Stacey and Stephanie. They are living the post- journalism school NYC dream together! Stace is working at Fox News (nope, she's not a republican) and Steph is working at Parenting Magazine (nope, she's not a mom.) The two of them share an adorable apartment in Astoria, Queens. Everything they need is literally right outside their door: a laundromat, nail salon, grocery store, bakery, produce stand- it's just how you imagine living in NYC is supposed to be!

Many of my college friends found their way to the Big Apple after graduation and we caught up with a few of them Saturday night. Katie, my roommate for 2 years, is now working in an ad agency, and our old next-door-neighbor Zach is continuing to hone his writing skills at Columbia. Everyone is doing really well! We're all so old and grown up.

When girls get together in NYC, there's an essential checklist to complete: Shoe shopping, mani-pedi's, cooking, movies, cocktails. Oh, and of course- a boozy Sunday brunch! Mine was fit for a queen. I couldn't believe I got to eat the food in front of me. I had fried potato-bread waffles topped with poached eggs and a spinach-Gruyere cheese hollandaise sauce... it was so pretty and soooo delicious. It inspired me to do more creative brunch cooking!

Even though it's sad to go back and face the real world after a mini vacation, I've gotta give thanks to whoever invented the Bolt Bus business model. They deserve to be canonized. I am typing this entry from a comfortable, spacious leather seat on my computer using free wifi. The bus is clean, the people on it are quiet, and we departed right on time. And best of all? It cost me $19. What a way to travel!

Dad is here next week. YAYYYYY!
Peace and love.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THE BOLT BUS. fun fact: they have megabuses (bot bus's less cool pimple-faced younger brother that is just as cheap) that go from nyc to hartford. just sayin'. though this city isn't "fun" per say...the hornstein/stritz combo could rock it.

