Monday, February 23, 2009


As I sit down to write this week, I do have life updates, but I decided to take this opportunity to shamelessly promote what I've mentioned before- the RELAY FOR LIFE!

Consider this. How much money do you spend in just one night at the bar? How much would you pay to go out to dinner? What do you drop on a random visit to the nail salon? Would you be willing to take this money- 5 bucks for a beer, 10 for dinner, 25 for nails- and donate it to cancer research just once a year?

If you're a student reading this, have you joined a team? Have you thought about joining a team? How much would you pay for a 12 hour concert, dinner, and the opportunity to sleep on the Carrier Dome turf? Would you throw down 10 bucks for all of that, plus the opportunity to dress up, be in a parade, and hang out with your friends all night? If so- REGISTER!

Just about every one of us knows someone who had cancer. If it wasn't a family member, it was a friend. It was a classmate's parent. It was a coworker. And it was devistating. This disease is out there. It doesn't discriminate. It takes the young, the old, the rich, the poor, man, woman, and so on. You may be thinking that this is a fact of life, and that there's nothing you can do. 

But you CAN HELP. Cancer treatment today is vastly different than treatment of even 10 years ago. What will the next 10 years bring? Without the support of the community, we'll never know. 

So here's the low down:

MARCH 28-29
The Carrier Dome
Syracuse, NY

To Make a Team, Join a Team, or learn more:

To Donate to me, and help me reach my goal:

More than anything, I appreciate your prayers and support. 
Peace and Love. 

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