Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Back from Break

I'm writing this post, back at school, with mixed emotions.

Spring break, that holy grail that we were chasing all through the winter, came and went so fast I'm not even sure what happened. It was a blur of beaches, hollywood, baseball and lots of expensive food. Now we've got the long haul ahead untill Summer vacation, and it's like we never left. At the same time, I was kind of ready for the break to be over. I hate to confess that. Meredith's mom says that's the sign of a good vacation: You enjoyed yourself, but by the end of it, you're ready to come home.

California was a bittersweet trip for me. I was so happy to see all my old friends, both from Syracuse and the Dodgers. Everyone is really living the life out there: living their dreams, working in careers they've pined after since they were teens. I have friends in film, baseball, and media who can't imagine a better job. It was joyful to see people I care about doing well, but also difficult to contain my jealousy. I still feel so lost so often and still wonder what direction life and my career is going to take me.

The interesting trade off, however, is that my friends in LA remain unsatisfied with their lives. Most of them don't like the city, many of them are sorely missing their social circles. At least two friends wish - of all things - that they lived in DC! The best thing that's happened to me since graduation is my new social life here in the city, my fabulous roommates and the stellar friends I've made in TFA. The LA group has jobs they love, but not a life they love. I feel just the opposite. But I'm convinced that all of us- west and east coast- can find both! Everyone in their 20's is just wandering in one way or another.

In other news, we now have 90 minute classes at Gwynn Park. I struggled to fill 77 and I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my students now that I have them for an hour and a half. The hardest part of my work is management, and I'm going to have to up the creativity to keep them focused for that long.

Praxis scores come out this friday. I will keep everyone posted.
Peace and love.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, and like your use of the word 'wandering' in your description of the twenty-years. I typically use 'struggling' haha, but I think wandering sounds much more optimistic!
