Monday, January 17, 2011


It's over. Over! The 2010-2011 NFL season has come to a sucker-punch of a close. I didn't think it was supposed to go this way. The arrogant, trash-talking, classless teams are not supposed to win! How is anyone supposed to teach their kids about good sportsmanship in this day and age? I hate the Jets! I hate them! Can't wait to see what Fitzy has to say- I'm sure it will cheer me up.

Ok, rant over. Sunday did hurt, but in the context of the rest of the week, it was a small blow compared to all the fantastic things I did in the last few days. And hey...April is just a few months away!

Tuesday night, I went with a friend to see "Waiting For Superman," yet again. This time it was sponsored by a panel of businesses and playing in Chinatown, so we made a night out of it and got dinner before the film and panel discussion afterwards. Again I stress: If you have not seen this film yet, go! The story it tells, especially to those not directly working in education reform, is stunning. You'll never think about school the same way again!
Wednesday night brought the onslaught of grad school, which I am not thrilled about. But they say every time God closes a door, he opens a window. In this case, our proverbial window is the brand-new Ihop right next door to where we take classes. Late night classes go down a little easier with the thought of chocolate chip pancakes and bacon beforehand.

Thursday, I had a great meeting with a friend of Dr. Charles who works here in DC. The job search process is daunting but the more people I know, and more hands I shake, the better chance I have of landing somewhere meaningful next year. Following the meeting, Brian Spendley and I met up to grab food and see a performance of the National Symphony Orchestra. Being in the Kennedy Center had me skipping with joy- it is overwhelmingly beautiful, and I felt so lucky to live here in DC and have friends with whom to share beautiful classical music.

Friday finally was a chance to veg- so the girls and I bundled up in our snuggies and rented "Despicable Me." Saturday and Sunday were dominated by football watching, and brunch with Meredith's parents.

It's been a non-stop week, and we're going to keep rolling tomorrow. It's Restaurant Week here in DC and we are NOT ones to miss out on 4 course meals at the Capital's fanciest dining establishments for $25. So to Georgetown we go, off for another crazy and wonderful week!

Peace and Love.

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